Miranda Jackson
My research focuses on the effects of chemical and particle components of tires and roadway runoff. Tires are a complex mixture of thousands of chemicals that can leach from the surface into the air or aquatic environment. Tire rubber can also break down into micro- and nano-sized particles that can be ingested and absorbed by organisms. Tire chemical additives like 6PPD-quinone have been implicated in salmon mortalities in the PNW, contributing to the loss of culturally and ecologically important species of fish.
My favorite part of being a graduate research assistant is the independence to design, implement, and analyze experiments and data to answer complex questions regarding the health and safety of our environment.
I hope to contribute data to fields lacking in information, ultimately informing legislation and regulation of environmental pollutants that impact both humans and other species of animals.
During undergraduate research, I appreciated the dynamic process of a laboratory and the ability to succeed in finding answers to the questions I was passionate about.
Government Research
I love crafting and spending time outdoors playing tennis, pickleball, hiking, skiing, paddle boarding, and swimming.
Research Project(s):