The Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicolgy will  again be offering one of our graduate elective courses: TOX 575: Advanced Xenobiotic Metabolism and Disposition for the Fall 2024 semester. We encourage graduate students and post docs from other campuses to participate. The course is typically offered as a hybrid and includes students and post docs from other campuses and national laboratories. We also encourage participation by non-OSU students, who are welcome to sit in and audit some or all of the course sessions for no cost as a recurring webinar. However, cannot offer academic credit to students who are not enrolled in the course.

Trainees (pre- and post-docs) from other T32 Training Programs  and RETCCs are especially welcome. In 2022 we had 7 trainees from other campuses participate remotely for some or all of the course meetings.

The course consists primarily of lectures with student-centered discussions, some recorded asynchronous lecture material, and trainee-centered readings and discussions of readings from the current literature.

The course will be Monday and Wednesday 11am-Noon Pacific Time Zone, and be 2 credit hours.

For more information, see the flyer below or contact Craig Marcus at [email protected].

Toxicology 575: Advanced Xenobiotic Metabolism and Disposition
Course description and schedule for the Fall 2024 graduate elective course
toxicology graduate elective Advanced Xenobiotic Metabolism and Disposition