Directed by Dr. Robyn Tanguay, the Superfund Research Center at OSU was established in 2009 and brings together a multidisciplinary team with years of experience in PAH and environmental health issues. The Center currently has five Research Projects working together with Support Cores from both Oregon State University and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Investigators emphasize basic and applied research using state-of-the-art techniques to better understand PAHs and their impacts on human and ecological health. Since the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, OSU SRC has an additional focus on petrogenic forms of PAHs found within crude oil.

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An introduction to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their impact on human health

All About PAHs

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Our current infographics, available for downloaded as a PDF and for use with appropriate attribution.


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Zebrafish as a high-throughput research model for PAH toxicity with many well documented advantages.


Our Research projects

PAH Fate and Exposure

Measuring the movement of PAHs into and out of Superfund sites.

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PAH Health Outcomes

Understanding the toxicity of PAHs and their mechanisms of toxicity.

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Predicting The Toxicity of Complex PAH Mixtures

Investigating the developmental and genetic impact of PAHs and PAH mixtures.

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Mechanisms of PAH Susceptibility

Studying how humans metabolize PAHs.

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PAH Remediation and Transformations

Identifying technologies that can remove PAHs from the environment.

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