What We Do

The overall objective of the Chemical Mixtures Core (CMC) is to provide SRP investigators with authentic PAH standards and real-world and surrogate PAH mixtures. The CMC also provides analytical expertise and quantitative data following strict quality assurance and control standards. The analytical methods include evaluation of PAHs and substituted PAHs to include metabolites, transformation products and biomarkers in multiple matrices. Environmental matrices include air, water, soil and porewater while biological matrices include zebrafish tissues, lung cell cultures, human plasma/serum, smoked foods, fish, crayfish and clams.

Services We Offer

The CMC provides rapid chemical screening and quantitative analysis of mixtures from applicable matrices. We develop advanced techniques and methods for PAHs, x-PAHs and PAH-containing mixtures.  Additionally, we are developing and maintaining a centralized repository for exposure-based mixture reference materials, standards, and passive sampling devices.

The laboratory is a full quality assured program and the Quality Assurance Program Plan is available for review.

Our Current Research

  1. The CMC continues to refine and expand analytical methods to look at environmental contaminants. The full list of methods, which includes a validated, forensic PAH method, are available online.
Analytical method Number of Chemicals included
Forensic PAH method 43
PAH 63
Alkylated PAHs 110
OPAH (oxygenated PAHs) 23
Chemical screen (MASV) 1530
VOPAH method 96
VOCs 96
VOCs with SPE cleaning method 53
Flame retardants 43
Pesticides 75
PCBs 45
Phthalates 35
  1. We have continued to add to our analytical methods, as well as improve existing methods, by improving analysis sensitivity, reducing solvent usage, and improving staff time.

  2. In the aggregate, the Core prepares hundreds of standard solutions each year for SRP Investigators. We routinely prepare and test dosing solutions for all biological projects.

  3. Based on research looking at PAHs in wildfire smoke, we are developing the SuperWild mixture, which represents high molecular weight PAHs identified during severe smoke inundation.


Our Previous Research

  1. We developed several reference standards, including bioavailable extracts of Superfund or contaminated waters, sediments, and air, such as Supermix10. These reference standards have supported various method development projects and biomedical projects. We have prepared and tested standard solutions for every project in our Center. Additional generalizable mixtures used by projects in the center include ToxMix and ExpoMix.
  2. The CMC supported the CEC project to investigate PAHs in butter clams, as well as look at personal chemical exposure in an Indigenous community.


Photo Albums

Evaluating contaminants in Shellfish with the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community and Samish Indian Nation.

Installing high volume air samplers with the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community.

Conducting a wristband study with the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community.